Combined Events Scoring
A number of options are available for scoring Combined Events competitions as determined by the nature of the event, age group and the Competition Provider. The following guidance explains those options and provides links to help determine the most appropriate method for each competition.
Scoring of Combined Events competitions under UKA Rules, as specified by Technical Rule 39.11 and the note thereto, may be carried out either by using scoring tables downloadable via the World Athletics (WA) website at or by using the common formulae:
• Track Events: Points = a x (b – T)c where T is Time in seconds
• Field events: Points = a x (M – b)c where M is Measurement in centimetres (jumps) or metres (throws)
which are also published in the same document by WA along with the required values for a and b. Use of those formulae will give the same result as scores shown in the tables.
For competitions involving age groups younger than WA age groups (see Technical Rule 39 S1 UKA supplement) the WA formulae / values can be applied, except that:
• for male hurdles events at U17, U15 and U13 age groups and the boys’ 800m, it is necessary to use different values for a and b within the WA published formula.
• For female hurdles events at those age groups, it is necessary to use a different formula.
Details of those values / formulae are set out in a document which can be downloaded here and gives more detailed explanations for those who require them. For those who wish to use tables consistent with those formulae, reference can be made to the tables published by the English Schools Athletics Association which can be accessed the updated English Schools AA (ESAA) website but can be accessed as a PDF at (click on ESAA Score Tables).
For Masters’ Combined Events reference should be made here where documents which deal with the Scoring of WMA Combined Events Competitions and explain the use of Age Factors may be downloaded.
Cheshire AA have provided on their website scoring calculators which are based on the abovementioned formulae.
Technical Rule 39.9 (only one system of timing may be applied throughout each individual event) shall still be applied. Competitions (whether held in the UK or overseas) under World Athletics Rules are not affected by this UKA supplement.