15th September 2010

Runbritain Landmark

15 September 2010

Less than two weeks after launch on 2 September 2010, the 3,000th handicap score and free runner’s biog page is expected to be claimed on Wednesday of this week. It has been a very pleasing initial response and the target is to maintain a similar rate of progress through the winter. At peak times, this has meant that runners have been downloading their scores at more than one every minute. They cover the complete range of available scores, from 36.0 right the way through to some international athletes who have a score in the ‘minus 2’ area.

Many runners are also making use of the head-to-head comparison which enables them to overlay selected other runner’s times and scores onto their own performance graphs and rankings.

TV presenter Jenni Falconer, who supported the launch of the runbritain handicap scheme has already reduced her score from 15.7 to 13.3, as a result of a strong performance at the recent Great Scottish Run 10k.

By the end of 2010, it is expected that almost half a million biogs and scores will be available for claiming so there is a long way to go. To claim your current handicap score, log on to www.runbritain.com