5th October 2022
As communicated in an update earlier in the Summer, UKA was in the process of reviewing the guidance report from the Sports Councils Equalities Group (SCEG) published in September 2021 and would seek to publish a position on policy at some point this summer.
There has been a significant amount of work on reviewing the SCEG paper by the project team and discussions with partners over that period in terms of what is the right course of action for athletics. However, following recent discussions with World Athletics, UKA are of the understanding that World Athletics will be proposing changes as part of their Council Meeting in November.
As a result of those conversations UKA has decided to pause on publishing its position and hold for the World Athletics update in November at which point we will follow on with any proposed changes to the UKA policies and rules.
Whilst we are aware this pause may cause some frustrations, UKA want to ensure that we have full awareness and detail on any global policy and rule changes that will impact on UK matters before confirming and communicating our own position.
In the meantime, we request that all athletes, clubs and event organisers adhere to the current World Athletics rules as the guidance for competition. Any immediate concerns and issues can be sent to dutyofcare@uka.org.uk.