Sample Coach/Athlete Form

Sample Athlete Profile

  • Performance on the Day

  • Likes situations in training/competition, in which they can see how good they are.
  • Is stimulated by difficult athletic activites and continually seeks out new and more demanding challenges.
  • Can recognise, accept and handle errors and defeats and is prepared to learn from these.
  • Preparation for Performance

  • Has a tried and tested nutrition strategy that includes meal plans and snacks with timings that is implemented before, during (if appropirate) and after each competition.
  • Is up to date with Anti Doping education with a good knowledge of resources such as global dro and informed sport. Knows the process for in and out of competition testing, when a TUE is needed, the anti doping agencies and their roles and the consequences of any violations for athlete and coach
  • Technical and Tactical Excellence

  • Capacity

  • Psychological skill and rogustness to be measured through the PCDEQ