2nd December 2022
Update on the inclusion of transgender participation in athletics
Further to the update we provide on the 5th October (https://www.uka.org.uk/news/news-and-features/uka-update-on-position-on-transgender-inclusion-within-athletics/) please find below our latest position on the inclusion of transgender participants in athletics:
UK Athletics is aware there continues to be a high level of interest and discussion across the sport regarding transgender people. The Board of UKA, assisted by its Standards, Ethics and Rules Committee (SERC), has been considering all the various facts and information, including the limited research available.
There are several complexities involved, including the different approaches to policies and procedures within sport, their implementation and legal opinion.
World Athletics, which is our governing body, has yet to announce its findings or any potential rules changes in this area. Following its Council meeting on 30 November it confirmed a set of regulations will now be considered more widely during a consultation period with member federations, athletes and other stakeholders over the coming months. The results of this consultation and a final recommendation will be presented to the Council for a decision at its March meeting. Therefore, as UKA have previously indicated, it would be prudent for us to wait until this process concludes before suggesting any changes to our policies or rules.
We are therefore continuing to monitor the situation closely to ensure we have gathered all the relevant information available before making any further decisions.
As per previous communication, World Athletics transgender rules will apply as the guidance for competition until we have further information.
Any immediate concerns and issues can be sent to dutyofcare@uka.org.uk.