Level 4 Track and Field

Level 4 Courses are held in October/November each year. Information about course dates and registration for these courses will be sent to all officials during the summer each year.

The guidelines for assessing Level 4 will be updated by the Education Sub Group each year. Please read these carefully as they detail all the requirements to achieve Level 4 and include important information about dates and where the relevant paperwork should be sent.

The Level 4 discipline questions will be published on 1st June each year. These questions will need to be submitted for marking no later than 1st September each year.

Level 4 Officials Course Info

Application for accreditation at Level 4 [published May 2024]

Guidelines for-presenting applications for Level 4 [published May 2024]

Record of Experience Form

Level 4 Chief and Referee Report [published June 2024]

Level 4 Clerk of Course Report 2024 [published June 2024]